Servers and Self Hosting

I setup my own web server and domain at age 14 and I began learning HTML to design my own web pages and soon setup a few web cameras for live streaming circa 2000. In college, I set up multiple servers for campus based intranet gaming and a campus organization to support it. It has always been a fun hobby and I continue to learn and expand my knowledge while setting up new widgets, IoT devices and servers. This web page is hosted on handful of low power servers I setup and maintain. I try to keep my power budget under 100W idle, currently its 75W.

I run about twelve cloud services for my whole family, which synchronizes between various servers I have in other physical locations for redundancy. They operate on btrfs so I have check sums and hourly snapshots of all my important data that replicates across the network into about five distinct copies in many physical locations. Overkill perhaps but it gives me piece of mind. My internal network is also locked down and segmented into six VLANs for segmentation and security.



My previous generation ‘server’. It was an old laptop I bought in 2011 repurposed as a do it all server. I bonded the CPU heatsink of the laptop to a large slab of aluminum to convert the laptop into being passively cooled to prevent the fan from running. Worked wonderful for four years and had its own built in UPS (laptop battery).


Humble beginning: my college server ‘farm’ circa 2003. A variety of Linux and Windows servers hosting various games and online resources for the local college campus. I miss my slot A Athlon.