Raspberry Pi Projects

I got my first Raspberry Pi around 2015 and have been playing with them since. Initially I used one for a home server but outgrew it after a few years, now I use them for various low intensity backup servers and a few fun projects.


Smoky is the outcome when I dusted off an old pi 1 to monitor my wood stove temperatures and dubbed it Smoky, after Smoky the Bear.


Ghost is my ultra-cold backup solution that lurks in the dark and comes alive randomly to pull data fresh and goes back into the dark.


Poseidon is my garden watering pi, it controls the flow of water to six different zones using AC solenoids.


Chronos is my silly programmable cuckoo clock for my daughter.


Crapper is a horrible name for my most utilized pi, a whole house ad blocker to keep my internet browsing palatable.


Georg is a simple setup I made to automate, calibrate and control a dual channel digital pot.


Jackfrost is my basement freezer sentinel making sure my food stays frozen.